Three New Members Join the Ontario Squash Hall of Fame Board of Governors

Toronto, Ontario

January 2023

The Ontario Squash Hall of Fame Board of Governors is very pleased to announce that 3 new members have joined the Board. We welcome Kirsteen Burton, Lorraine Tetreault and Pat Richardson.

Kirsteen has been and continues to be an active player for over 24 years and brings to the Board her experience in leadership, fund raising, marketing and participation in not for profit organizations. Lorraine has been playing squash for over 40 years. She brings to the Board a wealth of experience in leadership and fund raising. Pat has been involved in squash for over 50 years, as a player, a squash professional, a coach and a tournament organizer. He too brings a great deal of experience to the Board and we look forward to welcoming these three exceptional individuals to help guide the Hall over the next decade.

But as is often the way, a welcome is accompanied by a goodbye and so it is with the Hall of Fame. Rob Brooks and Penny Glover have stepped down from the Board. Both brought their intellect and respect for the Hall of Fame and helped the Hall achieve the success is has.

Rob, along with Mark Sachvie, created the Hall of Fame and was its chair for the first 7 years of its infancy. Rob’s intimate knowledge of people and his respect for the history of the game, guided the mission of the Ontario Squash Hall of Fame for almost 20 years. It is impossible to quantify his contributions to and love for the Hall.

Penny brought great insight to the Board and just as importantly, a deep respect for the game and its history. She approached her tenure on the Board with thoughtfulness and was always, always, prepared. She did, as they say, “her homework”.

Both Rob and Penny were integral to the success of the Ontario Squash Hall of Fame and their contributions cannot be over estimated.

The Board with its new members will have its first meeting within the next three months and also plans an on site visit to the Hall in the summer so that the new members can get a flavour for the Hall.

The current Board of Governors of the Ontario Squash Hall of Fame include:

Anne Smith, Chair

Kirsteen Burton

Sherry Funston

Peter Hall

Pat Richardson

Lorraine Tetreault

Tony Swift

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